Tuesday, September 17, 2013


 Everyday when I got to school I would just change my clothes, brush my teeth, face, and eat some cinnamon toast crunch cause that is the best damn cereal in the world! Than wait for my bus than go to class until the last block of the day...GEOMETRY! I really don't like it at all as many other people don't too. Now it is a large part of measuring angles and looking at a lot of lines that have some sort of degree and well...It sucks! I may not be the smartest guy in that subject but I hate it a lot. It's so friggin' boring I mean with all the equations that comes from Algebra with some crazy and complex things with shapes and dots. Even though it sounds easy it isn't...I go to sleep hearing my teacher saying stuff about this being supplementary or vertical or linear, but I would soon know why this subject was the shittiest class of all time besides Calculus. It's the teachers! They sound so much like robots and do whatever comes out of the book with their dull voices and not even adding any fun into it. The only fun I had in that class is when we would be done with the lesson and talk to each other. So it isn't your fault if you keep falling into a trance. It's not just geometry its also other things I learned in my past like art...My teacher kept talking and talking until we had like twenty minutes left to do the assignment. ARG! Well the only thing I learned from all the most bore-est (?) classes is that it's the teacher not the student. Now be that one guy that will make this shit fun. ....On the other hand don't cause I am going to get emails because of this xD! But yah depending on your teacher if they are boring than the class will be boring as well as your classmates...Which would make them students...It's both the teachers and the students fault!
 Hugs and stuff-
   Hiram D.
                   :) P.S. I love world history and science :3

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