Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bad News: The Broken Link

Well I got my progress report and can't play -.- plus new phone means new authenticator, number, and codes I need to update. Might be in three weeks I can go back to playing WoW...But for now I can make more drawings that I made.
 -hugs and stuff-
   Hiram D.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

                              Cel'Gur Saberion Voodoo Set

                                   (Note: I am trying to draw her full voodoo costume the best I can)


 Everyday when I got to school I would just change my clothes, brush my teeth, face, and eat some cinnamon toast crunch cause that is the best damn cereal in the world! Than wait for my bus than go to class until the last block of the day...GEOMETRY! I really don't like it at all as many other people don't too. Now it is a large part of measuring angles and looking at a lot of lines that have some sort of degree and well...It sucks! I may not be the smartest guy in that subject but I hate it a lot. It's so friggin' boring I mean with all the equations that comes from Algebra with some crazy and complex things with shapes and dots. Even though it sounds easy it isn't...I go to sleep hearing my teacher saying stuff about this being supplementary or vertical or linear, but I would soon know why this subject was the shittiest class of all time besides Calculus. It's the teachers! They sound so much like robots and do whatever comes out of the book with their dull voices and not even adding any fun into it. The only fun I had in that class is when we would be done with the lesson and talk to each other. So it isn't your fault if you keep falling into a trance. It's not just geometry its also other things I learned in my past like art...My teacher kept talking and talking until we had like twenty minutes left to do the assignment. ARG! Well the only thing I learned from all the most bore-est (?) classes is that it's the teacher not the student. Now be that one guy that will make this shit fun. ....On the other hand don't cause I am going to get emails because of this xD! But yah depending on your teacher if they are boring than the class will be boring as well as your classmates...Which would make them students...It's both the teachers and the students fault!
 Hugs and stuff-
   Hiram D.
                   :) P.S. I love world history and science :3

Found her Dead: Cel'Gur Saberion #2

 It be two days before the old man Vol'Jin be finally settin' foot on the tyrant Hellscream's fortress, and we the people of Stranglethorn Vale be looking for some supplies on the wandering invaders outside the city of Booty bay. Heads of the intruders be on the tall sharp sticks on our shoulder pads to strike fear on whoever dare enter our territory we be tryin' to restore, and only give an arrow in their skulls as a warnin'. I be only the butcher and teacher of the study of the loa and voodoo with only a few knowledge of weaponry and fighting. Many would say that this be some crazy junk. but in that day I be findin' the body of the orcress laying dead with the thin blade impaled in her chest. I was looking for a few kelp indigenous to the green life filled jungle til' she be just layin' there, so I grabbed my wooden staff pokin' her right side lightly tryin' to see if she was alive or not. My hypothesis was both wrong and correct. The youngling be standing up with her tarnished black robes seeing some parts of her very ripped and athlete shape, her very gray and muddy hands on her face tearing up spilling black water on the soil underneath. I came up a bit closer to the girl tiltin' my elderly head and strokin' my very large white beard," What be the matter with yah orc?" She would just kept on sobbing sitting down on the dull dirt on her robes, opening her hands revealing the very scared face with deep rectangular cuts under her eyes but something else interestin' be catchin' my old agin' sight. The middle section of her right eye's lids be cut making her always see with that side as for the other nothin' torn. The undead would look at me with her green eyes and sad expression," Where is Noais? I want to see him again!" I raised my left eyebrow tryin' to see if I heard that name before," I be never hearin' such a name in this land." She kept crying and laying on her side that would be facing away from me. As I said earlier, we wouldn't let any being that wasn't normal in our lands be shown any pity, but she be just a girl we are not cold blooded. I would put my hands under her carryin' the youngling to my hut in my village. She wouldn't even try to struggle or ask where I am takin' her makin' me feel a bit uneased. We would made it to the village in a few minutes entering a conversation of the orcress' surprising arrival with the blade still in her heart. I placed her in the witch doctor's bed which he would inspect a way to get the blade out of Cel'Gur's chest without makin' a larger pain than it looked like. The doc searched for some mojo elixir that was colored a sky blue than drains it into the orc's mouth," Be s'allow it mon." Taking a sip of the juice would make her fall into a sleep where she wouldn't feel the touch of anything even a large tauren on the girl's body. I would wait a few moments to see any progress on the youngling's wounds...

The Shadow of the Light: Cel'Gur Saberion #1

 As the heart of a young orcress broken and shattering with everyday passing by as she tries to make a better life for herself and for her future child. Though not many had fallen so easily as this child would think she has fail every task she faced, and the destruction of Azeroth upon her large muscular shoulders. Not caring what her friends or family would feel towards her own death with a knife in her fragile heart with all of her natural powers being taken away by the dark force of the voodoo. Slowly getting down on her knees with the blade impaled through her pumping organ, losing all of what she would see and remember about her life, than her chest meeting on the ground roughly on the muddy soils of the large humid forest. Cel'Gur Saberion would be laying on the earth being given a new life from the dark forces of what would soon be her true powers. Shadows swirl around the orc's corpse filling it with shadow magic, turning of what was once a adventurous, free spirited, curious, and a confused soul would be nothing more but a dull, grim, and pale girl with the mind of lost ghosts from the warriors of the ancient Zul'Drak. She opened her once beautiful glowing blue eyes into a impacting emerald green with her pupils filled with the color of blood. A light of bright white would come inside the child filling her with gifts of the guardians of the heavens, and great power would she be absorbing from the shadows of the fallen combined to make her a true protector of what she would purposed to do so. The light and shadows would stop making the corpse lay on the ground again. The story of what I am going to be telling would be of a once healer of the jade serpent and a fighter with the speed of a white tiger. Now a brute force filled with necromancy and the given gifts of Death, but to use for the goals of the light. Cel'Gur Saberion is the one that would change history of this collapsing world that we live in. I her teacher will be honored to tell this tale.